IMF art exhibit HQ1 3rd floor
Special exhibition in HQ1 3rd floor: As part of IMF HQ1 renovation, IMF is hoping to have art display on each floor. IMF started this program with a pilot for HQ1 3rd floor. This includes art work by IMF staff, Pictures of IMF staff, and 15 images from IPS. IPS pictures are displayed in HQ1-3rd floor 500 block area for two years.
Electronic IPS Exhibit: A new IPS wall is back with a major upgrade. IMF has kindly provided 6 digital canvas (https://meural.com/ digital screens by Meural) to display IPS images in HQ1 art gallery area. This site is located at R level in HQ1 (same level as the tunnel between two IMF HQ). IMF has selected following themes to be displayed on these panels – People, Abstract, Street Photography + Architecture, Geometry, Nature, Cultural events. IPS will be given access to these panels to add new images in agreed categories. People and Architecture canvases will be displayed as portrait format and other panels will be in landscape view. To start the exhibit, several images from our current Flickr images have been identified and will be loaded to these canvases. IMF plans to open this exhibit sometime in June. Watch this space.
In the meantime, take a walk, invite a friend and visit the IMF HQ1 3rd floor to see the pilot art display.
IPS Executive Council