IPS50thHopefully everyone received 50th Anniversary Committee Outreach Chair Shannon Turkewitz’ email with the letter of invitation and submission guidelines for the special 50th anniversary exhibition (with a sleek logo created by Alex Culiuc). Both are reprinted on the following pages. The committee spent countless hours in going through old membership lists and conducted open source research and reached out to the Bank’s 1818 Society and the IMF Retirees Association to try to get the word out and get as much participation as possible. The committee also posted a notice on the IPS website and IPS Facebook Page and (now) in Shutter Release. But as you can well imagine, the challenge of locating former members is immense.

We need the help of all members to spread the word through your networks and social media!

mmManuel Morquecho, an extraordinary photographer who has already made a lasting mark on the club’s history, will serve as curator. (See “Portrait” on page 30). Last year, Manuel generously contributed his talents in curating the IPS exhibit at Boston University’s Center for Digital Imaging Arts, where he studied. Manuel has had solo and group shows in Guatemala City, Washington and New York Foundation for the Arts. He is truly passionate about

his work and committed to quality.   As stated in the outreach letter, the objective of the 50th anniversary exhibition is “to showcase extraordinary photos, spanning the club’s history, from its talented membership.” And we can’t think of anyone better to carry out this mission. Please send your favorite images (3 max/person) – the more members send in their images, the more challenging and fun job Manuel will have.  While the main exhibition will feature 50 photos, additional submissions will be displayed, perhaps digitally.

Speaking of extraordinary, former President Mary Wilson (right), who devoted more than a decade of her time and energy to all aspects of the club and had taken a well-deserved sabbatical last year has returned just when we need her the most. Mary already began putting her encyclopedic institutional memory and knowledge, willpower and pragmatic diplomacy to make this exhibition a reality.

Dorte Verner, Lionel Gahima, Manuella Lea Palmioli, Ceyda Oner, and Ji Won Park round out the committee, which has had support from the Executive Council and many IPS members, including Michele Egan, Victor Bosier, and Fred Cochard.

Former President Maurice Asseo was the first to send in his three favorite images and they are stunning. Others are on their way. Distinguished IPS alum Curt Carnemark wrote this lovely letter to us on May 4, just days before London elected a new Mayor:

Thanks a lot for sending me the notice.

This year also marks 50 years since I joined the Bank with the 5th YP [Young Professionals] group in March 1966. As a matter of fact members of that group have kept in contact over the years and meeting at regular intervals around the world. Five years ago we met in London where Stanley Johnson’s son Boris is now Mayor. In September we will celebrate our 50th with a week in Vienna.

I was very active in the club from 1976 to 94 when I retired. My last contact with the club was a number of years ago when I gave a talk on Photography.

I also now and then hear from the slide library to which I contributed over 10.000 slideswhen it started in 1992-93. They are still used in Bank Publications which I find gratifying.After I retired I have very much continued with photography and they are a main feature inmy lectures on board cruise ships. Those trips also give me a great opportunity to take morephotos in all the ports we visit. I am just in the process of preparing submissions to my stock agencies from recent trips to Asia and Europe.

I will send you three photos later and very much hope I will be in the country for thecelebration.

Looking forward to it. – Curt




