Dates: Thursday April 30, 2015 and Tuesday May 5, 2015; 6-8pm

Instructor: Ron Aira

Room: TBA to registered participants

Costs: $50 for IPS members; $90 for non-IPS participants (includes IPS membership for 2014/2015)

To register, please contact Michele Egan:

Day 1- 

-What is Flash?

-Learn to use flash to your advantage.

-Using flash as a fill light and using your flash as your main light.

-Opening up your dark background.

-Why I should use my flash outdoors?

Homework will be assigned at the first session and discussed at the 2nd session.


Day 2- 

-Class Critique, go over homework flash assignment, fix any problems/questions using our flash.

-Special effects with flash.

-Advanced flash techniques.
