
Image: CC-Licensed, thanks to Jason Howie on Flickr.

Keep up with what’s happening at IPS by following us on social media.

facebook-logo-resized In the IPS discussion group on Facebook, members coordinate group field trips, share photography tips for beginners and much more. Please note that this is a closed group. Members must join the club first to access this group*.

flickr_logo-50x50 You can also check out our Flickr gallery featuring contest winners.

 Follow us on Instagram @ips_bank_fund. This account is intended to be a showcase vehicle for members (and other WB/IMF staff) who use the #IPSyourphotos hashtag in their Instagram posts. We will feature photos submitted for IPS competitions as well as other photos submitted by members. Captions that convey a particular story accompanying a photo will also be shared in the reposts.

*Note: Only IMF/World Bank staff (including consultants/temporaries/JPOs/JPAs), retirees and family members are eligible to join IPS and IPS Groups on Social Media.
