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Posts from the Resources category

Pre-cut Mats Distort Your Photo Composition

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There are many pre-cut mats on the market. Their opening sizes include 4”x6”, 5”x7”, 8”x10”, 11”x14”, 12”x16”, 16”x20”, 18”x24”, and 20”x24”. Three most popular colors are black, white, and ivory.…

The Myth of Equivalent Focal Length

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Khai Nguyen, EPSA, SPSA Many photographers misunderstand that the focal length of a lens mounted on a crop camera would effectively be extended by a crop factor. For this reason,…

January Recap: Guest Speaker Ron Aira

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Ron presented his Matador photographs in video format ( Recording videos is a growing trend among commercial photographers who use them to showcase their work to potential clients. Ron also…