Dialogue through Time — 50 Years 50 Photos is an exhibit that commemorates the International Photographic Society’s golden anniversary. 2015-16 Photographer of the Year Manuel Morquecho curated the exhibition from submissions by past and present club members. The exhibition will run from October 24 – November 18 in IMF HQ1, and features a companion book…
The IPS 46th Annual Exhibit will be on display from June 6 until the 8th of July (2016). The exhibit is open to IMF/World Bank staff, their families, and their guests. Click here for more details.
The IPS 45th Annual Exhibit will be on display from June 1 until the 4th of July weekend (2015). Opening reception will be held on Monday, June 1st at 5.30 pm at the IMF HQ2 Lobby Gallery. The Exhibition will run from June 1st until the July 4th weekend. The exhibit is open to IMF/World Bank staff,…
The International Photographic society of the IMF and the World Bank cordially invite to the opening of the 43rd Annual Photographic Exhibition. Opening: Monday, June 3rd at 6pm On display until June 28, 2013. IMF HQ2 Lobby Gallery 1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20431 Featuring: Tijen ARIN Jevgenijs BUJANOVS Kemal CAKICI Fred COCHARD Alexander…
2011: IMF Intranet article about the IPS 41st Annual Exhibition [PDF] 2009: Report on the IPS 39th Annual Exhibition [PDF] 2008: Read an IMF Intranet article about the IPS 38th Annual Exhibition[PDF] 2006: Photos from the IPS 36th Annual Exhibition Opening 2011: IMF Intranet article about the IPS 41st Annual Exhibition [PDF] 2009: Report…